Designer Spotlight: MM Druck!

What is your favorite environment to work in?
When I'm designing, I like to be in complete isolation in a sun-filled room, sitting at my work desk, tools within reach, but otherwise clear of distractions, with some tunes lulling and hopefully inspiring. And maybe a cherry coke waiting for me in the fridge.
Who was the most recent person to impress you?
Meghan Markle. We've had our heads down for awhile now and I think she's giving Americans a reason to look up and towards a more hopeful future. A future where monarchies and government are a true reflection of the people they govern (and where Los Angeles reigns).
Life is full of mysteries, what do you do when do you don't know what to do next?
Panic, naturally. Just kidding(ish). With regard to my professional life, I've discovered that there is never a dull moment when you are running your own business and so far, there has always been a “next” (fingers crossed, knock on wood and so on). As far as the unsolved mysteries in my personal life, I am a master deflector with my work. Did I mention that both of my parents are psychologists? Occasionally I can turn my deflection into productive reflection. And if all else fails, wine and cinema.
Do you think your zodiac sign aligns with your personality?
I do identify with Pisces the Eternal Dreamer, and am always willing to grab hold of a bit of celestial magic where science fails…
What has been an unexpected challenge for you in your career?
Navigating through the age of social media. I thought I could 'daftpunk' my way through it. Stay anonymous, let the music speak for itself or in my case the jewelry. But as it turns out, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.
Where or how does nature fit into your life?
I live in Los Angeles and nature is its (and my) salvation. Above the ungodly traffic we're most certainly sitting in, the mountains take shape in the distance, the ocean ever present even when not always visible, and the sunsets are truly the stuff of dreams. Whether it is the nature or the lifestyle it inspires, California continues to shape me as a designer and as a woman.
Did you think you would be doing this when you were younger?
Yes and no. I have always been searching for the portal to communicate creatively but the medium for my creativity only came later.
What is a secret favorite food of yours we'd have to date you for three months to know about?
I'm not the type to hold back when it comes to food or relationships (see Pisces horoscope) but a family specialty is fondue and not the American interpretation, but the proper Swiss version. I guess I wouldn't subject a date to the smelly cheese fest or my family for that matter until I knew they had the stomach for it.
Shop the full MM Druck collection here.